Thumbnail Theatre: Knockin' on Heaven's Door
As always, Thumbnail Theatre is a concept taken from the vastly wittier Toastyfrog.
This particular theatre won't make much sense unless you've seen the movie, but it does contain spoilers.

Vincent: "You are ig-no-ra-moose."
*sigh* I always lose at these Cracker Barrel games.
Renji: the world is a big pot of soup, and -- HEY! Are you listening?
Spike: ...they try to mess with Third Degree, that's me, myself, and I... oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhh...
Renji: HEY!! I SAID--

Spike: Oh, how rude of me. Here, have some coffee.

Renji: AAAAUUUUGGH ::gurgle, melt::
Spike: Burglars strung up on de wall, who's de baddest one of all? ::FWOO::
There's a destination a little up the road from the habitations and the towns we know... c'est la vie, c'est la vie, that's just the way it goes, sometimes...
Jet: How silly of me to think that playing careful strategy games with a hotheaded, reckless cowboy would be a relaxing way to spend my time. I'd pull my hair out, if I had any left.
Ed: 3DD |-|4ZZ B0u|\|tY D4T4 4 j00 lolololol
Faye: Bonus! We get to bag Del tha Funkee Homosapien?
Vincent: I'm gonna devise a virus / to bring dire straits to your environment / blow up an overpass with a mild touch / leave you drawin' my face on a computer with a stylus
Faye: That's 300 million woolongs' worth of cooties, bitches.
Spike: Well, it shouldn't be too hard for me to find someone who looks like a Paul Klee line drawing. That is, assuming your depiction is accurate, Faye.
Jet: Wouldn't that be more Howard Finster than Paul Klee?
Faye: Bite me, all of you.
Rasheed: Perhaps I can help. Here's a giant pot.
Spike: Hey, wait - ! - where the - ohh, damn. Why is it that the enigmatic side characters never stick around long enough for me to milk them for info?
Electra: ...speaking of enigmas...
Spike: Hottie Detector suddenly activated! Hottie covered in cloth from head to toe! Confusion! Must process in slow motion!
Lee: Y'know Vince, this terrorism stuff is pretty wild. Let's do it more often.
Vincent: Stay in the car, amateur. I have people to threaten.
Ed: 3D G3Tz D4T4 0n \/!NcNT 14 14 14 14 H3R3 h3 !z w!T $H0Rt H4!R 100K 100k n he wz 0n T!T4N 2
Spike: I'm back. With presents.
Jet: There's a Pottery Barn on Mars?
Ed: 3D F!nDz M4RBlz n D4 P0T!!!!1 WuTz !nsyd????!!1@
Jet: Hello, prophase. Hello, anaphase.
Lee: Super Teletubby Hunter for the PS9! R0XX0R!!
Faye: Well well, if it isn't Doctor Bombay himself.
Lee: He don't stop and he don't play / every time you try to catch me I'm always runnin' away.... see ya!
Faye: OK, No more Del quotes. I think they're jinxed.
Electra: When did we get a new janitor here? Hey, waaaaaitaminute - you're not a janitor!!
Spike: Check out mah broomstick, baby. Hyah! Huh! Hah!
Electra: Kinda hard not to when your jumpsuit's 4 sizes too small. **SMASH**
Spike: Crikey! I'm outta here.
Electra: GUARDS!! Give him a light dusting of gunfire, if you would.
Spike: Oikoikoikoikoikoikoik! YIPE--!
Lee: After a brush with getting arrested, I like to relax by drawing pretty pictures on television monitors everywhere.
Ed: 3D n 3!N wll F1nd Wh0z M4K!ng tha Pr!TT! P!kChUrzz!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!
Faye: Time for cheesecake shot #1. I'm better looking than I realized!
Vincent: Thanks for the advertising, kid. Now die.
Lee: But I don't really want t- *URRK* *HACK* *RRK*
Faye: So I climb the staircase to the first floor, turn the key and slowly unlock the door...
Vincent: A man smiles over his smoking gun, and he grabs you for a kiss when you try to run.
Spike: Outside it's reconnaissance. Outside it's reconnaissance.
Electra: Jebus. Nuffa dat joke. *CLICK*
Spike: *Sigh* Proof that 1337 H4XX0Ring just doesn't measure up to good old-fashioned footwork. And guns.
Electra: Gonna be another tough day on MARTA.
Spike: Pardon me, 'scuse me, coming through, 'scuse me.... *BLAM BLAM BLAM*
Vincent: Oh, now, don't be like that. *BLAM*
Spike: Like what? Oh, you mean KICKING YOUR SORRY LITTLE GOTH ASS?
Vincent: No, I mean with my fingertips digging into your ribcage. *TWIST* Oh, oopsie! Did I just break you? So sorry.
Spike: *URRRRK*
Vincent: I don't think I need to point my gun at your head at this point, but drama is my strong suit, so... what's your name, kid?
Spike: Spike... Spie...glllllll...
Vincent: Nice, but I like the name "Splatter" better. There you go. *BLAM*
Electra: Vincent! Not the janitor!!
Vincent: Bye, baby. It's been a blast. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.